Everything about Rates
Rates are the core ingredient of your services. You will build and understand a complete and comprehensive rate structure from scratch all within this single course.
Table of contents
Class 1: Key terms & billing models
Class 2: Foundational rates
Class 3: Pickup surcharges & loading fees
Class 4: Dead-head & wait time rates
Class 5: Foundational rates
Class 6: Hour types & holidays
Class 7: Additional passengers & groups
Class 8: Supplementary services & rentals
Class 9: Taxes, cancellations & no-shows
Class 10: Rate structure build with market research
Class 11: Adjusting rates
Class 12: Negotiations with various payer types
Class 13: Advertising & other rate modeles
Course details:
Duration: 1hr 30min
Instructor: Jay - WholeRoute
Format: Online
Pace: Self-paced, start anytime
Bonus inclusions:
Step-by-step tutorials
Market research
Rate sheet
Current price: $149.00
Offer expires: 01/01/2025